Updates & Milestones
Grants & Challenges
January 2024
Bandstand grant award from National Heritage Lottery fund secured of circa £249,000.
Bowling Pavilion – application made for circa £250,000 from Community Ownership Fund.
December 2023
Whilst substantial funds are made available under the Town Deal Fund, each project in Centre Vale Park in isolation requires additional funding to be secured
The Town Council has appointed an external consultant to work with the Project Manager for the Town Council, to submit applications for grant funding. These will be focussed on applying for large amounts first before then considering lower grants that may be relevant for specific elements of a project, for example equipment.
Many grant funders will require a range of outputs to be delivered as part of any schemes to access funds for capital purposes. Where delivering these outputs there may be a need to incur some revenue cost which is normally borne by the grant applicant.
The Town Council has to be mindful when submitting grant applications of the need to provide revenue support within reason and where of substance, levels of Precept may need to be considered to meet such costs to enable capital funding to be accessed.
Before submitting a formal application, the Town Council will also need to consider the terms and conditions of the grant funder and the associated risk potentially of grant clawback should such a grant be awarded and taken up.
Whilst it would normally be the Town Council that acts as the grant applicant given that we are working in partnership with others, it may be more appropriate for applications to be made in other partners names.
How are the projects being taken forward?
December 2023
The Town Council as Sponsor, is lead of a Project Group that consists of two Town Councillors, The Town Clerk and the Project Manager and several senior officers from Calderdale MBC, that agree priorities, project spend, property issues and which party is responsible for delivery.
That group meets most months by way of oversight and periodic update reports are fed into the Town Council Committee process.
The Project Manager regularly meets with a Centre Vale Park Group consisting of members from the Bowls Club, Tennis Club, Todmorden in Bloom, Veterans, Fielden Hall and the Bandstand Group.
Outside of this overall group, the Project Manger meets with each voluntary group on specific matters to ensure that when construction is completed all groups are in a position to take on the day to day running of these facilities.
November 2024
After obtaining third party permissions and many months of negotiation, leases have now been executed and Todmorden Town Council now has ownership of the Bandstand & the Bowling Pavilion in order to proceed further with these projects.
Tenders Issued for Bandstand & Bowling Pavilion. | Todmorden Town Council
October 2024
Ground surveys have recently been carried out to identify what services are still in place or need to be replaced/introduced with these results to be included in the construction tender pack now under way.
August 2024
Great news! Full planning permission and listed building consent agreed. We are now working with the Architects on finalising the construction specification which will be submitted to Calderdale MBC for approval.
July 2024
1.1 Legals
- All terms agreed
- Delegated powers to execute – CMBC and TTC
- CMBC require Fields in Trust Permission
- CMBC require Deed of Covenant with Env Agency to be in place.
1.2 Lottery Funding
- Not yet drawn on
- Required planning
- Leases in place
1.3 Construction
- Planning/Listed building consent approved
- Tender pack in course of preparation
- Requires CAFM approval
- Timing
- Mid August issue
- Mid September response and evaluation
- Approval
- Costs considered and Budget approval Project Group
Issuing of contract subject to
- Leases resolution – all matters
- NHLF lottery first drawdown processed
- Env Agency Flood Risk Activity Permit issued
- Mobilisation
- Contractors availability
1.4 RISK
- All lease related matters not resolved
- Env Agency Flood Risk Activity Permit issued
- Drawdown of first claim not allowing pre planning permission claim of Architects fees
- Project aim – still for opening March/April 2025
1.5 Bandstand Group
- Regular meetings
- Charitable Incorporated Organisation application in course once all of following in place
- Range of Policies
- Organisational Objectives
- General Buildings Management Plan
- Cleaning and Maintenance Plan
- Financial Regulations
- Hire Terms and Conditions
- Grant Awards Policy
- Event Management Plan
- Event Safety Plan
- Health and Safety
- Internal Controls
- Safeguarding
- Social Media
- Inclusion/Fair usage
- Promotion and Fundraising
- Management Agreement
- Range of Policies
- Collation of base information for subsequent evaluation of success.
- Eight trustees
Task and Finish process established to consider
- National Heritage Lottery Output – Develop a series of performance activities to take place during the lifetime of the project.
- Waiting on firming up of construction timetable to start to take bookings.
- National Heritage Lottery Output – Engage with local performing organisations to re-establish the bandstand as a performance space.
- Under way but need firm opening date.
- National Heritage Lottery Output – Work with local schools to encourage interest in heritage construction
- Work with local schools to encourage interest in heritage construction-Buttress /Tod High School
- Enhanced CSR proposal agreed from Buttress
- NHLF funding variation agreed to support CSR proposal
- Programme of school assembly visits and careers fayre agreed by Buttress
- Three school assemblies delivered
- One in school dedicated schools group
- Careers day in school
- External visit to Manchester – 18 students
To follow:
- Four students for work experience week in Manchester
- On site construction visits
- Heritage skills workshop – tbc
- Create a Todmorden timeline displaying the history of the town – Buttress High School
- To be developed with high school History and Arts departments
- To result in visual timeline for permanent display
1.6 Project Manager immediate future involvement
- Complete legals
- Oversee Architects Tender
- Assist and facilitate Bandstand Group in all areas
- Review NHLF lottery requirements
- Updated project plan
- Updated Risk Register
- Updated activity delivery plan
April 2024
- Information day held at Community College Saturday 23 March 2024
- Over 80 members of public attended and commented favourably on proposals – included a Bronze – basic refurbishment, Silver – enhancing facilities for a wider range of performance use) and Gold – aspirational about potential in the future for covered audience area.
- Design options up on web site by 8 April (see Documents page)
- Design options (recommendation Silver) to Resources Committee 17 April for approval to then submit for Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent.
- On submission to CMC for Planning Permission, work will then start on specification of works and Tender package.
- Work continues with Bandstand Group regarding potentially establishing as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
- Bandstand Group focussing on venue management and encouraging local organisations, event organisers and promoters to use the bandstand once it is restored. Online survey to establish public preferences under way. Click the link to take the survey https://forms.office.com/e/AcTEUaqTZU
- Web site for Bandstand Group under consideration to then provide updates on all this through their own website/social media.
January 2024
- Architects appointed
- Measured survey completed
- Outline drawings prepared and 3 d model produced -initial observations from Bandstand Group
- Condition Survey completed – Appendix 1
- Mechanical and Engineering Survey completed – report awaited
- Structural Survey completed – report awaited
- Site visit to determine tree removal
- Next stage – 6th March – Architects to present back to Bandstand Group proposals
- To then agree next stages and timing.
- Heads of Terms for Lease – for consideration 14th February Resources Committee
Bandstand Group
- Regular meeting to formalise interest
- Agreement reached to take forward as Charitable Incorporated Organisation
- Agreement reached to prepare Management agreement for consideration.
- Task and Finish process established to consider
- National Heritage Lottery Output – Develop a series of performance activities to take place during the lifetime of the project.
- National Heritage Lottery Output – Engage with local performing organisations to re-establish the bandstand as a performance space
- National Heritage Lottery Output – Work with local schools to encourage interest in heritage construction
- Operational Plan
- Booking and Pricing Policy and systems
- Promotion and Fundraising/Sponsorship
- Collation of base information for subsequent evaluation of success.
- Event Management
National Heritage Lottery
- Award secured
- Town Council approved
- Grant clawback letter from CMBC
Bandstand Group
- National Heritage Lottery Output – Develop a series of performance activities to take place during the lifetime of the project – Bandstand Group
- National Heritage Lottery Output – Engage with local performing organisations to re-establish the bandstand as a performance space-Bandstand Group
- Work with local schools to encourage interest in heritage construction-Buttress /Tod High School
- Enhanced CSR proposal agreed from Buttress
- NHLF funding variation agreed to support CSR proposal
- Programme of school assembly visits and careers fayre agreed by Buttress
- Six (tbc) students for work experience day at Manchester
- On site construction visits
- Heritage skills workshop – tbc
- Create a Todmorden timeline displaying the history of the town – Buttress/High School
- To be developed with High School History and Arts departments
- To result in visual timeline for permanent display
December 2023
Todmorden Town Council has secured grant funding of £249,226 from the National Heritage Lottery Fund which covers approximately 59% of estimated costs of delivery for both Capital and Revenue items.
Following a Tender process Buttress Architects from Manchester have been appointed to take this project forward.
A new Bandstand Group has been formed and together with the Town Council will work with Architects to deliver a design that not only respects the listed status of the Bandstand but also potentially introducing improvements in terms of its flexibility as a performance space.
The target is to have all permissions in place by the end of June, to tender out for construction work Jul-Aug, appoint and start work October. That may seem a long time but in addition to Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent it is in a conservation area and a flood alleviation area and therefore Environment Agency permission also has to be obtained.
As part of the award the Town Council is required to deliver 4 key outcomes together with a range of other outputs
Engaging with local performing organisations to re-establish the bandstand as a performance space.
- Develop a series of performance activities to take place during the lifetime of the project.
- Work with local schools to encourage interest in heritage construction.
- Create a Todmorden timeline displaying the history of the town.
The Town Council has agreed to contribute £5k toward estimated costs £12,185 to deliver the above four outcomes and will be working with a newly formed Bandstand Group to deliver the performance related outputs, whilst the schools element will be delivered by Buttress and the Town Council.
The Bandstand will be owned by the Town Council as part of an agreement with the Bandstand Group which will take forward how it operates / takes bookings etc.
By involving the High School there will be an opportunity for some student to not only learn about Heritage but also Architecture with a work experience placement with Butress on offer.
Bowling Pavilion
November 2024
After obtaining third party permissions and many months of negotiation, leases have now been executed and Todmorden Town Council now has ownership of the Bandstand & the Bowling Pavilion in order to proceed further with these projects.
Tenders Issued for Bandstand & Bowling Pavilion. | Todmorden Town Council
October 2024
Good news planning permission has been granted but regrettably only after it was necessary to withdraw the option of a polytunnel as part of the application.
Whilst disappointing, the structure was regarded as permanent and if included would have increased the overall footprint size which was just not permissible in this high risk flood zone area .
Good news is that as we write we are confident that we have sourced an alternative option that Todmorden in Bloom are happy to support. More on this as this develops.
Ground surveys have recently been carried out to identify what services are still in place or need to be replaced/introduced.
Ground investigation works were carried out 7th and 8th October, drilling into the ground 20 metres. Once these results are available the design for footings and the steel framework can be included within the construction tender pack that is now under way following planning permission being granted.
August 2024
Planning application validated with expected response at the end of September 2024.
Ground investigation works to commence September 2024 (subject to licence approval) to inform foundation and structural frame design ahead of then preparing construction specification.
July 2024
2.1 Legals
- All terms agreed
- Delegated powers to execute – CMBC and TTC
- CMBC require Fields in Trust Permission
- CMBC require Deed of Covenant with Env Agency to be in place.
2.2 Community Ownership Funding
- Not yet drawn on
- Agreement signed by TTC but not yet returned by COF
- Change of Government – likely delays
- Letter written to MP
- Required
- Planning Permission
- Leases in place
- Agreement in place.
- Agreement signed by TTC but not yet returned by COF
- COF award withdrawn
- Unlikely but process may take time
- Timetable to spend by 22nd March 2025 unachievable if agreement not signed/funds not released
- Government delay may enable longer deadline which would help this project.
2.4 Planning
- Planning application validation delayed pending Biodiversity Net Gain report
- Report received and submitted 23rd July 2024
- Validation expected by 30th July 2024
- BNG requires two 10 square metre landscaping schemes
- Bat survey required – should not stop validation
- Permission – 8 weeks – 25th
- Env Agency Flood Risk Activity Permit issued
2.5 Construction
- Tender pack in course of preparation
- Trial Holes /Structural designs to inform
- Requires CAFM approval
- Timing
- Mid August issue
- Mid September response and evaluation
- Approval
- Costs considered and Budget approval Project Group
- Issuing of contract subject to
- Leases resolution – all matters
- COF Funding resolved
- Env Agency Flood Risk Activity Permit issued
- Mobilisation
- Contractors availability
- Project aim for delivery summer 2025
- Temporary facilities for bowlers to be agreed upon.
2.6 RISK
- All lease related matters not resolved
- Planning refused
- Flood Risk Activity Permit refused.
- Excessive Budget costs
- Value engineering to reduce cost?
2.7 Develop User Group
- Consisting of Bowls, Todmorden in Bloom, Veterans, Friends of CV Park, and potentially Tennis Club
2.8 Project Manager immediate future involvement
- Complete legals
- Lease execution and registration
- Risk Assessments
- COF funding
- Oversee Architects delivery
- Planning
- Tender for construction
- Assist and facilitate User Group in all areas
April 2024
- Community Ownership Fund “In Principle” grants secured £250k for capital works and £47k Revenue to help first year running cost and some staffing support.
- Design option up on Web site – target 8 April.
- Design options reviewed by future user groups to Resources Committee 17 April for approval to then submit for Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent.
- On submission to CMBC for Planning Permission work will then start on specification of works and Tender package
- Work continuing with User Groups regarding future practical operation of Pavilion.
January 2024
- Architects appointed
- Measured survey completed of existing footprint
- Outline footprint drawing prepared and revisited twice for refinement and likely cost compliance
- Condition Survey completed – report awaited – existing building
- Mechanical and Engineering Survey completed – report awaited – existing building
- Structural Survey completed – report awaited – existing building
- Site visit to determine tree removal
- Next stage – Architects to present back to users group proposals – timing to be determined
- Community Ownership Fund application submitted – for ratification by Resources Committee
- Heads of Terms for Lease received
- In same format as Bandstand re mitigation clauses
- Wishes to include larger footprint and pathways and areas including trees and back to river channel
- Not acceptable given additional liability of
- Pathway maintenance
- Trees
- Potential riparian rights responsibilities
- Not acceptable given additional liability of
- To obtain COF funding approval
- Agree Heads of Terms
- Approve design footprint
- Develop Management Agreement
Develop User Group
- Consisting of Bowls, Todmorden in Bloom, Veterans, Friends of CV Park, and potentially Tennis Club
December 2023
This is the most costly and largest of all the projects. Proposals now include not only the Bowls Club as users, but also Todmorden in Bloom, A Military Veterans Group, Friends of Centre Vale Park and the Bandstand Group and occasional use by the Tennis Club.
The biggest obstacle to this is likely to be securing around £250k of additional grant funding. The Town Council have agreed to assume ownership but with voluntary groups running it.
This has opened up the opportunity to bid for funds from The Community Ownership Fund, administered by the Department for Levelling Up Communities and Housing (DLUCH) to enable the asset to be transferred from Calderdale MBC and the proposed Pavilion extension to be taken forward.
The Town Council have successfully submitted an Expression of Interest and have been invited to submit a full application which will involve a detailed Business Case to be provided as well as several other issues, including legal ownership to be resolved.
The application deadline is 31st January 2024 and The Town Council is working actively with all the groups to put together a compelling Business Case, which form up to 50% of the award criteria
Following a Tender process, Buttress Architects from Manchester have been appointed 14th December 2023 to take this project forward and more details on this will emerge as all parties work together to find a design solution that meets users needs, is affordable and respects the look and feel within the conservation area.
Tennis Courts
July 2024
Ground investigation works revealed remedial works necessary for drainage ahead of renovating these courts. Town Deal funding agreed to meet partial costs of drainage works to enable this project to go forward. Anticipated September 2024 completion of three refurbished courts.
January 2024
Work has commenced on refurbishing the existing three courts and is anticipated to be finished around April 2024 or earlier. The Town Council, as sponsor, has committed funds to enable provision of floodlighting, subject to feasibility and planning permission. Further news regarding use of the courts and coaching and development will follow in due course once these programmes have been established by Calderdale MBC.
- CMBC project responsibility for delivery
- Three courts renovation – no fourth court
- LTA grant scheme
- Renovation of three courts underway
- Including infrastructure for floodlighting
- Town Deal funding
- Allocation for floodlighting
- LTA grant scheme
- All procurement responsibility of CMBC
- Planning Permission for floodlighting responsibility of CMBC
- Future use by Tennis Club under discussion with CMBC
- LTA scheme requires coaching and development delivery.
- To influence
- Floodlighting provision
- Tennis involvement – play plus coaching and development
December 2023
It has just not proved feasible to introduce a fourth court, location and cost wise, so effort has been focussed on renovating the existing 3 Tennis Courts and supplementing this with the potential of floodlit courts to provide greater opportunity for use all year round.
Feasibility and costs have been sought to identify the right and affordable lighting solution.
Calderdale MBC have been successful in securing grant funding of c £48k for renovation costs. Through the Lawn Tennis Association. As Sponsor the Town Council through its projects group with CMBC, has allocated a sum to provide the necessary contribution towards floodlighting to make this happen so we hope for more news on this soon.
As part of the LTA grant agreement, a coaching and development programme has to be introduced and the Town Council is working with Calderdale MBC to involve Todmorden Tennis Club which whilst having decided to remain where they are, intend to use Centre Vale Park Courts for matches and want to deliver, especially for youngsters, this coaching and development opportunity.
It could be as early as April this year when work starts on refurbishing the courts.
Multi Use Games Area
July 2024
Calderdale MBC have submitted outline bid to Football Foundation for several Playzone schemes (MUGA) across Calderdale including one for Todmorden.
April 2024
- Opportunity to work with Calderdale MBC to secure funding from the Football Foundation for several sites in Calderdale of which priority would be for Todmorden as part of the Town Deal commitment for Centre Vale Park
- Football Foundation very specific in their requirements – fully kitted out and floodlit estimated cost – £250,000
- Evidence of need is an important part of the process as is what options are required by the local community.
- On line survey open for completion – link
- Information day – Sunday 12th May Tod Community College 10am to3pm
January 2024
- CMBC project responsibility for delivery
- Football Foundation Expression of Interest approved
- Calderdale wide scheme
- Priority Todmorden
- 75% grant – 25% contribution
- Calderdale wide scheme
- Feasibility work commissioned
- Including Centre Vale Park to identify suitable location
- Suggested is outdoor gym area
- Fully floodlit proposal
- Town Deal funding
- Allocation for 25% contribution based on c£250k delivery cost
- Outdoor Gym area smaller so anticipated less cost
- All procurement responsibility of CMBC
- Planning Permission responsibility of CMBC
- Content of MUGA to involve High School
- Allocation for 25% contribution based on c£250k delivery cost
- Including Centre Vale Park to identify suitable location
- To influence
- Centre Vale Park Solution
December 2023
Calderdale MBC have been successful with an Expression of Interest to the Football Foundation for funding. This is good news and CMBC will be working up several schemes across Calderdale including Centre Vale Park.
As Sponsor, the Town Council through its projects group with CMBC, has allocated a sum to provide the necessary contribution to make this happen so we hope for more news on this soon.
The exact location has yet to be agreed and may be determined by what the Environment Agency will allow, but a strong contender is to site it where the outdoor gym area is and relocate that elsewhere. Near to power services and the sports centre, and with the likelihood of being floodlit, there is synergy in being near also refurbished Tennis Courts with similar lighting needs.
January 2024
Project partners are also exploring options for how, within the limited funds available, the War Memorial area in the park might be developed to provide a more bespoke, appropriate and sustainable environment for remembrance and reflection, as well as to help reduce antisocial behaviour, including the conservatory which is in disrepair
The refurbishment of the Bowling Pavilion to provide a modern, flexible base for the various community groups who are active in the park does include Todmorden in Bloom, Military Veterans, Todmorden Bowling Association and Friends of Centre Vale Park, as a solution to ensure these groups are represented pending any decisions made with regard to the conservatory.
Fielden Hall
August 2024
Town Council as Sponsor have received funds which have been passed on to Fielden Hall to take forward architect’s design and planning application.
January 2024
- Responsibility of Fielden Hall /Calder Valley Community Land Trust to deliver
- Ambitious Schemes £600k
- Reduced Scheme c £195k
- 5 grant applications submitted, three turned aside, one awards for all £20k approved
- Community Ownership Fund Application resubmitted – c£250k
- Procurement responsibility of FH/CVLT
- Town Deal funding
- Allocation for contribution c£150k
- Town Deal funding
December 2023
Five grant applications totalling c £650k have been made to various bodies to determine the extent of energy efficiency retrofit that can be taken forward.
The aim is to identify what level of funding can be applied to this scheme in order to decide in the new year what can practically be carried out.
Options range from low to high ambition and as Sponsor, the Town Council through its projects group with CMBC, has allocated a sum of up to £150k to provide the necessary matched contribution to secure these additional funds
There were several levels of energy efficiency improvement identified in the feasibility study for Fielden Hall.
- Walls and floor insulation-. 9% C02 reduction.
- Roof insulation – 22% C02 reduction.
- Solar – 28% CO2 reduction.
- MVHR – 35% CO2 reduction.
- Exemplar solution – 86% CO2 reduction- above plus others.
The aim is to go for 86% (or even carbon neutral/positive) to secure the future of this amazing community building and with plans to share the knowledge with other owners of traditional buildings.
What will be achieved will depend on the support of funders via the applications submitted.
Dates | Activity | Outcome |
Jul-20 | Opportunity to bid for Accelerator Funds for Wheelspark and Xmas lights | Bid submitted and successful |
Sep 20 to Aug 21 | Wheelspark construction and xmas lights procurement | Schemes Delivered |
Feb-22 | Build relationships with voluntary groups involved | Centre Vale Volunteer Working Group established to develop Business Case |
May-22 | Funding agreement for approval | Town Council approved and entered into |
May-August 22 | Business Case | Completed for submission end of August 2022 |
May-August 22 | Ownership and Revenue Support | Town Council to support business case and agree some property ownership and revenue support |
Sep-22 | Business Case for approval by Town Deal Board and Calderdale MBC | Town Board and Calderdale MBC agree for Business Case to be submitted |
Nov-22 | Grant applicaton made to National Heritage Lottery Fund c £250k | In principle approval Jan 23 subject to several conditions including clawback |
Feb-23 | Funding approval awaited | Town Deal funding approved for Centre Vale Park Projects |
May-23 | Funding agreement for approval | Town Deal funding approved for Centre Vale Park Projects |
May 23 - Oct 23 | NHLF Grant conditions | Town Council and Calderdale MBC reach agreement re various legal issues. |
Aug-23 | Tenders received for Bandstand Architects | Sept 23 Town Council appoint Buttress Architects. |
Oct-23 | Town Council submit grant application re Expression of Interest to Community Ownership Fund -c £250k | Dec 23 - COF approve EOI and request full applIcation to be made - closing date 31st Jan 2024 |
Nov-23 | NHLF Grant award agreement | Town Council enter into with Calderdale MBC agreement to be party to award re clawback. |
Nov-23 | Tenders received for Bowling Pavilion Architects | Dec 23 - Town Council appoint Buttress Architects. |
Jan-22 | Approach by Town Deal made to Town Council to take on role of Sponsor to deliver Business Case for DLUCH funding approval | Feb 2022 approval and appointment of Project Manager (previous Town Clerk on retiring to stay on to lead) |
Dec-23 | COF Business Case | Centre Vale Project Group starts work on COF Business Case background information for Project Manager to prepare Full Application and Business Case - submitted 30 January 2024. |
Dec-23 | Refurbish three Tennis - Courts Lawn Tennis Association Grant | Terms finalised by CMBC and grant level agreed - feasibility study and costs for floodlighting commissioned |
Dec-23 | MUGA Football Foundation Expression of Interest by Calderdale MBC for grant funding | EOI approved and feasibility work to commence re costs and location |
Jan-24 | Specific Centre Vale Park Project Todmorden TC web site finalised | Launched for transparency and updates re overall Centre Vale park projects |
Ongoing | Individual Voluntary Groups - work to prepare for operational management of handover post completion of construction | |
Nov-24 | Tender's | Tender's are issued in the search for contractors to carry out the works |