Fielden Hall Improvements
Project Archive

Fielden Hall Project Archive

What energy efficiency improvements will be delivered?

In identifying options for improving energy efficiency for Fielden Hall it became apparent that there could be a range of options to consider , all of which will require investment in specialists to advise and deliver any proposed scheme.

Specialists were therefore appointed at the outset and following extensive surveys five options were presented for consideration:-

Option AOption B1 (Roof only)Option B1 (Roof and PV)Option B2 (Roof & Ventilation)Option C (Walls and Floor)Option C+ (As Option A plus PV)Option C++ (As Option C plus MVHR)
Roof (Whole building)XXXX
Basic Roof InsulationXX
Roof mounted PV inc batteryXXXXX
Basic Mechanical ventilationX
ASHP plus instant hot waterXX
Secondary GlazingXXX
Ground Floor InsulationXXXX
Underfloor HeatingXXXX
Enabling for floor insulationX
Wall InsulationXX
PV Boundary Wall inc batteryXX
C02 emissions saved kgCO2 /annum13090334942625327137045666088
%CO2 saved86%22%28%35%9%30%40%
What is the proposal under the Town Deals Fund?

If funding were unlimited then clearly Option A, a total project inclusive of all areas would be chosen.

To arrive at a financially affordable option for the Business Case that still delivers a reduction in carbon emission, one of the specified outputs, we have had to choose Option C.

Whilst ownership will remain with Calder Valley Community Land Trust, Todmorden Town Council seeks to facilitate grant opportunity by either applying for grants in its name or enabling other to apply.

Is this fully funded under Town Deal?

No. As with all of the Centre Vale Park Projects under the Town Deal there is a gap in funding.

The projected cost for Option C has been priced at c £191k of which £150k has initially allocated towards this from the Town Deal Fund leaving a shortfall of c£41k to be found from other grants.

When applying for grants the intention is to be ambitious and apply for maximum levels of funding wherever we can, and whether through an individual grant, or a combination of grants, seek to deliver the maximum benefits that funding will allow.

Why is there a need for this?

Todmorden Town Council wishes to support initiatives that that will lead to Carbon emissions. This is an opportunity for the Town Council to lever in funds to help an already established operation to deliver energy efficiency improvements, and to use Fielden Hall as an example for others to follow.

Whilst the Business Case proposal involves a reduced scheme than is possible, this initial work in identifying options provided a platform on which to seek further grant funding over time should initial efforts be unsuccessful.

What else will the project involve?

As with all of the Centre Vale Park Projects it is not just about delivering an element of physical new construction and or renovation , but how it will be sustained in the future, how it will be managed and what outputs are expected to be delivered that will benefit Todmorden residents.

Who will manage Fielden Hall and all of its activities?

The Town Council in offering its support by way of delivering the construction nature of this project, operational and financial responsibility will remain with Calder Valley Community Land Trust.

Will Todmorden Town Council help to meet Fielden Hall running costs?

No. The Trust is already well established and financially sound with any energy efficiency improvements resulting in reduced costs.

When will grant applications be made?

Todmorden Town Council has agreed to act as the grant applicant for this project if required.

Grant funders often apply specific conditions some of which could be that certain permissions must be in place already, formal designs completed, land already owned and other matched funding in place. Others are less restrictive.

Each Grant application will need to be considered on its qualifying criteria at the time of submission.

As stated already it is the intention to seek maximum grants wherever possible to try to help the Trust deliver their best option.

What are the next stages for the Fielden Hall project?

Approval of the Overall Business Case for Centre Vale Park Projects will trigger the formal next steps and start to determine the extent of Town Deals Funding available for this project.

This project will should not require planning permission where works Are of an internal nature but will require Listed Building Consent.

To achieve this will will require extensive heritage architectural and technical energy efficiency input

If external Solar Panel provision is proposed then this will require planning permission.

When will detailed drawings be prepared and Listed Building Consent /Planning Permission applied for?

Timing will depend upon when the Business Case approval from Government is received and also whether progress has been made in securing additional grant funding.

Whilst it is anticipated to commission these works to get to Planning and Listed Building Stage by the end of January 2023 at the latest the actual scheme to be submitted will be informed by grant success.

When would construction start?

We need to be realistic that just grant applications on their own can take several months to be processed and approved and even applied for only at certain times of the year. Whilst we are aiming to have grant support by January 2023 there are no guarantees on this.

In terms of construction the ambition is to be in a position to start construction by Nov 2023. To do so we will need to be in a position to issue tenders for potential contractors to respond to by Jul/Aug 2023.

What are the project timelines?

These are all subject to funding availability and permissions where and as required but the Outline Project Plan is as detailed below:

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